
Have you ever felt as though you should be getting more from life?

Do you ever feel tired, stressed out, or overworked?

Has your health and vitality suffered? Do you seem to be completely unable to get afloat? Perhaps you feel like you’re just treading water. All this can eventually start to get you down. This is not what we were promised. Perhaps you always pictured that your life would be different. Many of us assumed we would someday make a lot of money.

Many of us assume that we should have much more energy than we do. And we see people around us who seem to have the things that we want to achieve. We all know people who are polished, who are confident, who look attractive. We all know people who seem to have it all. So why can’t we have that? Why is life being so unfair to us?
Well, if you have read any of the other guides so far then you know that this is where you are going wrong to start with.

It’s blaming your circumstances and it’s blaming other people. You have everything you need to live a truly incredible life right now. All that is missing is the right mindset to go about achieving it. You know what’s even more likely? You’re already living a truly amazing life. You already have everything that anyone could ever ask for… but you just don’t appreciate it.

As we’ve learned over this series, your happiness and your accomplishments stem from you. And more than that, they stem from your mindset and the way that you view yourself and your life. They stem from having the drive to go out and get the things you feel you deserve. And from knowing how you are going to go about doing that. In this final guide, you’re going to learn how to make some simple changes.

You’re going to learn how to start fortifying yourself against challenge. You’re going to learn to start appreciating all the things you already have. And you’re going to learn to master your life so that you can decide precisely what kind of person you want to be. Precisely what you are going to achieve.

What Are Your Priorities?

The first thing you need to do is to start reassessing some of your priorities. Many of us complain that we aren’t healthier, happier or richer but we never do anything about it. That’s because  despite what we’re saying  we aren’t giving those aspects of our lives priority. Let’s break down your current routine shall we and see if we can assess the problem?

You’re telling people you want to have six pack abs. you’re telling people you want to be a successful author or a successful business owner. You tell people that your family means everything to you. Okay then. So, if that’s true, those are the things you should be spending the majority of your time on right?

Instead, what you will probably find is that your lifestyle looks something more like this:

Sleep: 6-7 Hours

Work: 8-9 Hours

Commuting: 1-2 Hours

Lunch Break: 30 Minutes

Everything else: ~5 Hours

And in those roughly five hours, you need to fit in waking up, getting ready for the day, washing dishes, doing the laundry, cooking. Now ask me again why you don’t have the lifestyle you want? You claim that your goals and dreams are your top priority and yet you don’t live a life that reflects that in the slightest. This reminds me very much of the problem with modern politics.

So often, we are told by our political leaders just how much money they have managed to save. They’ll tell us how they have increased the value of the dollar. They’ll boast that they’re paying off the deficit. But is this how we should really be judging their success? How about much more important metrics like quality of life? Or happiness?

This story about an amazing life will continue a next time.

kind regards: https:healthybodyandmind4you.com

Categories: Uncategorized


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